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Veins have valves that act as security gates, ensuring the blood flows only in one direction. These veins carry your blood from the body, back to the heart. In time, vein walls can degrade, and valves can weaken. If this happens, the blood can leak back into the vein and pool there; in turn, the vein becomes larger and can become twisted or crooked, varicose, and often painful. 

Contributing factors may be hereditary, or caused by inactivity, age, obesity, or pregnancy. Symptoms of unhealthy veins can include increased incidence of muscle cramps, restless legs at night, and even deep vein thrombosis. Having unsightly varicose veins removed makes a difference to your appearance that you can really feel, lifting your confidence and improving self-esteem. 

Following an initial free assessment at Transform Clinic, you will be offered one of three different removal methods: 

Endovenous Laser Ablation, where energy in the form of radiofrequency or laser light, creates a heat ideally of 85 degrees emitted from the catheter to heat the vein wall. 

Venaseal is small portions of vein glue is deposited down the length of the unwanted vein followed by some gentle pressure. This squeezes the vein closed permanently. 

Sclerotherapy is an injection of a micro-foam into the vein, where the medicine reacts with the inside of the vein, and the body reacts by shutting down the vein. The blood flow diverts back into the deeper, normal veins and improves the circulation. 

Each of these methods is proven, safe, and relatively simple yet remarkably effective. These are considered walk-in-walk-out procedures as they can easily be performed over an hour, while you relax. Varicose vein treatment procedures are relatively pain-free, safe, and fast. If the methods bring discomfort, there is anaesthetic cream available to ensure you are comfortable. 

You do not have to put up with the physical and emotional agony of unsightly varicose veins any longer!

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