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We’ve now had a chance to settle into 2020, hopefully well rested and with a sense of excitement for the year ahead. With renewed enthusiasm and all of the potential for the months to come, thoughts turn to how best to harness the opportunities that will be presented along the way.

We now live in a world where change has become the only constant. The environment that we live in is changing, and fast. There is much talk about the impact of global warming, and the world has been forced to take notice, now more than ever. How and where we work is changing with flexible working becoming more commonplace, the way we communicate is changing, and our understanding of the role we play as global citizens is also evolving rapidly.

Change can be seen as a threat or an opportunity. There are those who yearn for things to stay the same, comfortable with the world as it is now.

However, failing to embrace change will result in lost opportunities to influence the future, something businesses are all too aware of, especially in a post-earthquake city such as Christchurch.

And so how do we succeed, both personally and professionally, in a world where change is the only constant? First, we need to accept that change happens whether we like it or not. Secondly, we need to embrace change with a positive attitude and an eye to the future. Thirdly, we need to open our minds to the opportunities that are constantly presented in an ever-changing world and ask ourselves what we can do differently in our day-to-day lives to harness those opportunities.

Embracing change requires initiative and courage. It is not always easy, but the rewards are worth it. So, as 2020 progresses, challenge yourself to see change as an opportunity and not a threat. Be brave enough to give it a go!

By The BookGuest User